Thursday, July 31, 2008

Dialogue of the Day - 7.31.08

Capt. Hammer: This is so nice. / I just might sleep with the same girl twice. /They say it's better the second time. / They say you get to do the weird stuff.

Chorus: We do the weird stuff.

-- "So They Say," from Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Act III

Time for a little light-hearted humor! I've already touched upon my newfound fandom for Joss Whedon, and this is where it all started. Dr. Horrible is a three-part original web musical series that sprung from the stilted creativity caused by the writer's strike this past winter. Whedon and company moved forward with it, even after the strike ended, and the result is probably the most entertaining, most original, and most excellent nugget of pop culture I have had the pleasure to experience.

Rest assured that other songs will be featured in days/weeks/months to come. I chose this particular lyric simply because I find it hilarious! Capt. Hammer (, Corporate Tool) is the self-important "hero" of the tale; however, his conceit, womanizing, superiority and questionable motivations truly make him villainous. You know the type - a fame whore with a carefully cultivated public image who revels in every opportunity to take sleazy advantage of the attention he receives.

The zinger here comes by way of the chorus. You've got three young, wide-eyed "fans" who obsess over their fantasies of Capt. Hammer. Like groupies, they'll do anything, including the "weird stuff" in order to get close to the object of their affection. The commentary is sharp and witty, and the presentation, within the song, is truly laugh-out-loud!

I hope you enjoy "So They Say," and I hope it motivates you to watch the entirety of Dr. Horrible. It's still available for free on, or you can download it at iTunes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...