Saturday, December 6, 2008

TV Theme Song Quiz

"Thank you for being a friend,
Travel down the road and back again.
Your heart is true,
your a pal and a confidante.
And if you threw a party
you invited everyone you knew,
you would see
the biggest gift would be from me,
and the card attached would say,
Thank you for being a friend!"

-- Golden Girls, Theme Song

The theme song for a television show quickly becomes its calling card. In a few quick notes, a flood of images appear, recalling beloved characters, tragic and triumphant storylines, laughs, tears, and angst. These days, theme songs have given way to very brief musical interludes, sometimes lasting only a few seconds over a screen shot of the show's title.

In honor of this dying art form, I present this video montage, found online, of TV themes in quiz form. See how many you can guess. Lindsay and I were able to collectively get 24 out of the 27 highlighted here. And afterwards, I dare you to disagree with me over the importance and relevance of the TV Theme Song. Good Luck!


MAC said...

Hubby and I just played the game. I don't believe we faired as well as Lindsay and you. Where can we find the answers?

Marc Cocchiola said...

YAY! Wasn't it awesome! The answers are in the info section here:

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

What an EXCELLENT post!!


Jesus GOD! I have to wait until TUESDAY???????

I didn't do all that well but I almost got teary eyed as the feeling of nostalgia nearly overwhelmed me. Such simpler days they were.

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

Oh, whoops! My little drama trip wasn't necessary had I read the other comments first! :)

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

Mercy. I only got 12. However, there are 10 shows I've never watched. But, still, I did poorly considering I missed some OBVIOUS ones!

Anonymous said...

Oh what an incredible time we had taking this stroll down memory lane with you! What a blast it was and a great break from the stress of December! As always, I LOVE YOU and THANK YOU for stumbling across these videos!! :)