Wednesday, December 3, 2008

MMMM... Shrimp Cocktail!

“Gay marriages will save the economy!”

-- Prop 8: The Musical

The beauty of comedy and satire is its ability to diffuse emotionally charged, contentious situations to reveal the underlying truths. I’ve written before about the atrocity that is the passing of Proposition 8 in California, so you know how I feel (along with just about every other gay and/or reasonable person in this country). Besides being absolutely HILARIOUS, it turns the argument against gay marriage completely on its ear! Watch and enjoy!

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die


Anonymous said...

This video is FUCKING BRILLIANT!!! I WANT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

MAC said...

I saw this earlier today and it is sheer genius. LOVE IT! LOVE IT! LOVE IT!

The Pansy Bastard™ said...

That was fantabulous!