Saturday, September 20, 2008

About to take a Sick (of this Bullshit) Day

“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”
-- Jack Torrence, The Shining

In keeping with the spirit of my blog, “I Wanna Be A Housewife,” I’m about the bitch and complain about work.

Let’s make one important distinction. I love my profession. I love my career. The work that I’ve chosen to do, non-profit fundraising, is fulfilling. At the end of the day, I can at least take heart in the greater goodness of my efforts. I don’t think I would be able to muddle through the office politics, inefficiencies, conflict, frustrations and aggravations were it not for the altruism behind my work.

That being said, even the most honest rationalization doesn’t change the fact that earning a living can be stressful, demoralizing and soul-crushing. I currently find myself in the midst of one such scenario. While I can point fingers in many different directions identifying root causes, I also point one at myself. I am not free from blame, by any stretch of the imagination. I allowed the pervasive discontent within my office to take hold and stymie my own motivation. The result is a very large, very unpleasant bag of shit. Though I am equally to blame, I can safely say the rancor permeating the office, and those responsible for it, are just as much to blame. Yet, they never seem to step up and take responsibility for their actions, or lack thereof.

I could whine about this for hours, but I know that I will encounter variations of this theme everywhere. Changing jobs will never solve the issue; rather, it will just alter the circumstances. A personality, management style, policy, bureaucracy, or any number of other factors will rub me the wrong way. The key is finding that place with the fewest number of irritating factors.

Several times over the past few weeks, I’ve seriously considered quitting my job. Without a safety net. Without a plan. That’s how torn up I’ve been. Seeing all of those Wall Street fat cats who are getting paid millions to fuck up royally hasn’t helped. Seeing self-involved, spoiled celebutants indulge in ridiculous excess hasn’t helped. The supreme unfairness of it all gets under my skin.

Unfortunately, I don’t have a choice. Until my Prince Charming shows up and steals me off with him to his castle, I must remain in the trenches, toiling away to keep a roof over my head, clothes on my back, and food on my table. Only now, I just hope that day comes sooner rather than later. Like today…? Any takers?

Oh well… I guess I’ll just go buy some Powerball tickets in the meantime.


Anonymous said...

hey hon, when your Prince Charming shows up, please make sure of the following: 1) He's got a (straight) brother in my age range 2) he's willing to move to the NOVA area and 3) He's got money. Think you can do that for me? Okay great! Thanks! Love ya! :)

MAC said...

I always say, the day you find a job where there's no stress, everyone gets along and the pay is good, I'll quit mine immediately and join you. Even if I worked alone, I'm sure I would find a way to get on my nerves. What gets me through my work week is the philosophy that my job finances my ability to enjoy my personal life. Whether it's friends, family or "Mr. Right", those are the things that matter in life. OK, let me get off my soapbox and go cook my family dinner. HAVE A YUMMY NIGHT!!!

Anonymous said...

Marc, I hate shit. I hate shitty people and I hate working in a shitty environment. At my very core, I am a peacemaker and I just want folks to get along, shoulder their responsibilities and honestly do a good job. I totally value hard work and hate that people don't take it as seriously as they should--that's why most customer service reps SUCK! There is NOTHING better than working in an environment that "feels" right. Believe me, I worked in 7 very different hair salons over the course of 21 years and I must say they ran the gamut, but I was most productive in the ONE salon that valued peace and harmony amongst it's stylists. If your job sucks right now, maybe it will be temporary and you will recover from the shittiness, if not, keep working and start looking for another way to be happy while making money (stripping is out of the question! :-)) Oh yeah, keep buying lottery tickets-there is usually at least ONE cute guy in line! :-) Love ya!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous was me, Audrey!