Sunday, July 27, 2008

Goodbye, Weekend

Sunday night is probably the most miserable part of the week. Work looms in the morning, and the weekend that was usually feels too short, rushed and disappointing.

This weekend was better than most. I created this blog, which I'm excited about. I'm hoping this will prompt me to start writing again; get the creative juices flowing. Only time will tell, but I'm hopeful. Then, I had dinner last night at my brother's, which means I got to spend time with my nephew. If ever there was a pure, unadulterated source of joy, Mikey is it. I love that kid so much! I'll share photos at a later date...

Today, I spent the whole day watching episodes of Firefly online and doing laundry. About 7 episodes and 5 loads of laundry, to be exact. Thanks to Lindsay, I have discovered the genius that is Joss Whedon. If you haven't seen Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog, go to iTunes and download it NOW! Trust me, it's worth the $3.99. And you'll soon learn that I am addicted to television, and especially good scripted dramas. Firefly is so intelligent, emotional, action-packed, and complex. Once I looked past the western and outer space genres, I fell in love with the characters. And as strong as the plot is, it primarily serves to advance and expose the characters. Totally up my alley. Oh, and it's HILARIOUS, too.

Despite the productivity, I hate doing laundry, so it was nice to have a diversion. Hopefully enjoying laundry is not a prerequisite for being a good housewife. Otherwise, I'll have to rethink my goals. Still, it got done (finally), and I felt accomplished.

However, none of this changes the fact that I have work in the morning, and I should be getting to bed. My alarm will go off in approximately 7 hours, I'll ignore it for another hour, rush to get ready, and leave the house late (as usual), just to get to the office and face the bullshit I was so happy to leave behind on Friday. It could be worse. I could hate my job.

Here's hoping that tomorrow isn't a typical Monday! Goodbye to another weekend. Only 5 days until the next one!


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm just happy that I could be here to enjoy it with you! I'm also happy that I'm working on another Joss-convert (Buffy is next, you know!)!! I love you!! :)

Anonymous said...

OH! And I LOVE your blog!! You're a great writer!! :) Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Yay laundry! I'm going to have to try watching firefly again. Lately I've been in more of a mood to read though.